I love experimenting with various media and various materials. I often use recycled canvas, plywood, pieces of furniture or random stuff found on garage sales. I like the moment, when something previously abandoned and unwanted... receives a new face, a new life & a new home :o) I work using my creativity... and all sorts of techniques: OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTING; WATERCOLOUR, GAUCHE, CRAYONS, PASTEL, oil and ink brush-pen markers, charcoal, gold & silver pens, beetroot juice, salt, tee…
I admire XV sec. art with its angels choruses and lavish, golden backgrounds. I cherish Netherlander artists, esp. Van Eyck and Vermeer for their passion to show the beauty of everyday life & no-frills objects. I share the floral obsession with William Morris and all Art Novae lovers.
I tend to apply my colourful design on all those anonymous heroes – the Everyday Use Objects. I paint on walls, furniture, rescued pieces of plywood, trays, picture frames, mirrors; mugs, pots and ceramic tiles; heap bottles, bags, aprons, throw pillows & T-shirts…